How To Welcome Your Dog Into Your Home
Your dog will be just as worried as you would be, moving into a new family. So you have to make this time as easy as possible for you and the dog.

First you will have to buy your labrador, a suitable bed, as this will help. Also by your dog some toys, to play with. You will need a collar and a lead, so you can take the dog out for a walk.
My family had the mistake of buying my dog a cage, for when we went out. We thought this might help the dog feel secure, but this was not right. We put our dog, in the cage while we went out. When we got back our dog, was sat down, hunched up in the corner, shivering with fear. We had made a mistake, and we never did it again. We gave the cage back to my dads friend.
Please do not do this to your dog, as your dog will become just as scared as mine was!